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Our Experience

We advise and accompany you in development  and implementation of your tailor made stustainability strategy, ideate and co-create your theories of changes including policies and artefacts.

we also support you in design and marketing of your investment products

 we accompany you in your captial investment and in designing your 2030 zerocarbon strategy.

 we help you to engineer investment portfolios that are EU Taxonomy compliant and cocreate with you your climate aligned investment universe.

 We connect the dots for you with our research and business intelligence services

 we also educate on sustainable financial literacy


 OUR  International Experience:

 we have already inspired and supported with our clients on the following topics

Impact Investing 

nternational Management 

 Sustainable Finance, 

Strategy Development 

Programme Theories, Strategies and Theories of Change Crafting and  Implementation 

Econometric Models 

Quantitative AnalysisCocreation of Climate Aligned Business Universe 

Change Management 

Sustainable Enterprise CoachingDigital Transformation Coaching 

Leadership Coaching

Sustainable Finance AcademyAlternative Conflict Resolution MechanismsLeverage Point AnalysisResearch Projects on sustainability reporting with Vienna University

Portfolio Engineering 

EU Taxonomy Compliance and EU Action Plan Advisory 

In cooperation with other institutes, Karen has co-initiated and developed the first landmark sustainability standards in investment banking.. She was Responsible Board Member for „Stakeholder Engagement“  and „Outreach“  for the Equator Banks Association until 2015. I also represented UniCredit / HVB in all internal and external entities dealing with risk management including communities of practice at OECD, EBRD, EIB and IFC.

 Experience in Change Management, Public Private Partnership Negotiation, Sustainable Finance, Risk Management  and Project Development and Management

We are experts in  sustainable finance, impact analysis,  risk management, three line of defense approaches, quantitative analysis, change management  and Harvard Negotiation skills and Strategic Foresight.

Karen introduced Extrafinancial Risk Management with her Team at UniCredit responsible for the structuring of extra-financial risks  stemming from environment, social impact, governance (ESG) and context factors. Karen was responsible for creating climate aligned investment universes.   Karen knows  and experienced the entire product cycle from identifying a risk,  creating policies to mitigate , minimize or avoid it,  implementing and executing such policies.


Karen with our publication arm Responsible Investment Banking won the Investment Banker of the Year 2020 Award by Munich Prestige Awards

„Best Presentation Award“ at the University of Surrey with „Investment Banking between Crisis, Legitimacy Loss and Positive Impact Investment and Finance“