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ESG Investment Training

Mediation and Coaching

Sustainable Finance

We conduct our ESG Trainings in cooperation with Academic Partner Universities in the D.A.CH region. We deliver the most advanced and innovative programme for you together with a university certificate.

Modul 1: Current State and Frameworks

Explore the current state of the ESG methodologies, the ecosystem for sustainable finance, and discuss near-term opportunities and long-term trends and innovation. Understand Global Frameworks  including

  • Global Compact,
  • Principles for Responsible Investment,
  • Montreal Protocol,
  • Transparency Code
  • Paris Climate Accord,
  • Protect Respect and Remedy Framework
  • ISO Standards

Model 2: Basic Methodologies

  • Understand the basic concepts of
  • ESG integration,
  • ESG exclusion,
  • ESG Best in Class and Smart beta Strategies,
  • Norms Based Screening

Modul 3: From ESG to Impact Investing

  • What are the differences?
  • How do they align with New Global Standards
  • Impact Measurement
  • Assessment Based Impact Investing versus Key Performance Standard driven Impact Investing
  • Case Studies

Module 4: The future of markets.

Analyse the influence of financial innovation on markets and propose a business strategy.

Module 5: Environmental and Social Management Systems

Sustainable Finance

Your benefits:

  1. A comprehensive understanding of what ESG is, how it works, and its organisational implications.
  2. The ability to integrate ESG into your business strategy by utilising unique frameworks specifically designed for this programme focussing on strategy, regulations, andinvestment megatrends.
  3. Exposure to a global network of like-minded business leaders and innovators, and insight from a host of thought leaders, and leading sustainability experts.